CSS - Equity Rubric


From its founding, diversity and access have been integral to the mission and vision of the Crossroads Charter Schools.  A diverse school community alone though is not enough. While the work of diversity and community has always been a part of our school, we seek to build on this commitment by striving to create a truly inclusive school: one where students and adults are welcomed and supported, and where their faces, voices, and experiences are reflected and valued. We believe that the work of inclusion and anti-racism is a responsibility held by all and done for all, person to person.

Crossroads Charter Schools was founded to address a long standing need for high quality public education in the heart of Kansas City.  Our founders believed in creating school options for kids in the urban core and in communities which have historically lacked that access.  As an organization, we continue to devote significant resources of time and energy in order to develop our equity lens to better identify, discuss, and address equity issues impacting our students and our schools.  The following equity statements provide unequivocal direction and guidance to our team as we go forth on our journey to define who we are and how we approach our work. 

At Crossroads Charter Schools we…

  • Understand the significant difference between equity and equality. Every student deserves to receive what he/she needs to succeed (equity), not that every student receives the same amount of resources, instruction, attention, etc. (equality)
  • Develop school environments where all students are actively and meaningfully engaged in rigorous instruction.
  • Interrupt the “school to prison pipeline” – policies and practices that are directly and indirectly pushing the most at risk students out of school and on a pathway to the juvenile and criminal justice systems.
  • Engage families as partners in meaningful ways
  • Build the capacity of diverse teams that are more reflective of our students.
  • Nurture an open, collaborative, and trusting environment because the work is enormous, deeply personal, emotional and often difficult.

We are committed to putting these beliefs in action and living by them. Every Crossroads Charter School staff member is accountable for applying these statements in every decision, use of resources, and management of talent. The power of our collective and individual commitments to these beliefs is reason enough to be hopeful as we pursue our mission and create a more just and equitable world.