Level I
Level II
Level III
Understand the significant difference between equity and equality. Every student deserves to receive what he/she needs to succeed (equity), not that every student receives the same amount of resources, instruction, attention, etc. (equality).
A. Test scores and outcome data are comparable, regardless of race or poverty of students.
B. Participation and success in advanced/enrichment coursework is not predictable by race.
C. Attendance, successful course completion, graduation, and dropout rates are not predictable by race or poverty of students.
D. Graduating students are college- and career-ready and supported to have a clear plan upon completion of high school.
There is greater than 20% difference between the students of color/ students of poverty scores and students not in those categories.
There is greater than 20% difference between the participation of students of color/students of poverty and students not in those categories.
There is greater than 20% difference between the students of color/students of poverty attendance, successful course completion, graduation, and dropout rates and students.
Less than half of graduating students are college- and career-ready and supported to have a clear plan upon completion of high school.
There is a 20% or less difference between the students of color/students of poverty scores and students not in those categories.
There is a 20% or less difference between the participation of students of color/students of poverty and students not in those categories.
There is a 20% or less difference between the students of color/students of poverty attendance, successful course completion, graduation, and dropout rates and students not in those categories.
Majority of graduating students are college- and career-ready and supported to have a clear plan upon completion of high school.
Students of color/students of poverty perform at the same level as students not in those categories.
Students of color/students of poverty participate at the same level as students not in those categories.
Students of color/students of poverty attendance, successful course completion, graduation, and dropout rates are comparable to students not in those categories.
All graduating students are college- and career-ready and supported to have a clear plan upon completion of high school.
Develop school environments where all students are actively and meaningfully engaged in rigorous instruction.
A. The curriculum is challenging and consistently integrates culturally relevant learning.
B. Teachers implement four key culturally responsive practices. (1. provide daily encouragement/positive affirmation to all students, 2. involve families in problem solving, 3. adjust teaching practices to meet students academics and social- emotional needs, 4. makes effort to understand from students point of view)
C. Staff demonstrate high expectations for students, so that participation in opportunities is not predictable by race or poverty of students.
D. Students have opportunities to express knowledge in multiple ways.
Level I
Less than 70% of curriculum is challenging and consistently integrates culturally relevant learning.
Less than 60% of teachers implement all four culturally responsive practices as evidenced by observations.
There is greater than 20% difference between the students of color/ students of poverty participation and students not in those categories.
Teachers provide students one way to express knowledge.
Level II
70-99% of the curriculum is challenging and consistently integrates culturally relevant learning.
60-89% of teachers implement all four culturally responsive practices as evidenced by observations.
There is a 20% or less difference between the students of color / students of poverty participation and students not in those categories.
Teachers provide students multiple ways to express knowledge through guided choice.
Level III
100% of curriculum is challenging and consistently integrates culturally relevant learning.
90-100% of teachers implement all four culturally responsive practices as evidenced by observations.
Students of color/ students of poverty participate at the same level as students not in those categories.
Teachers provide students multiple ways to express knowledge through self-directed choice.
Interrupt the “school to prison pipeline” – policies and practices that are directly and indirectly pushing the most at risk students out of school and on a pathway to the juvenile and criminal justice systems.
A. Discipline data shows that students are held accountable in school whenever possible.
B. Staff demonstrate both grace and accountability so that student participation in the behavior continuum is not predictable by race or poverty of students.
C. Teachers are effectively and consistently implementing Tier I and Tier II behavior strategies to meet the needs of different types of learners.
D. Data are being collected in a uniform and comprehensive way so that school and district leadership can understand who is being disciplined, how often, and why.
Level I
Less than half of suspensions are for incidences considered by administration eligible for safe schools act violations.
There is greater than 20% difference between the students of color/ students of poverty participation and students not in those categories.
Less than half of teachers are effectively and consistently implementing Tier I and Tier II behavior strategies to meet the needs of different types of learners.
Comprehensive data is not collected and discussed regularly and is not easily accessible.
Level II
Majority of suspensions are for incidences considered by administration eligible for safe schools act violations.
There is a 20% or less difference between the students of color/students of poverty participation and students not in those categories.
Majority of teachers are effectively and consistently implementing Tier I and Tier II behavior strategies to meet the needs of different types of learners.
Comprehensive data is collected and discussed somewhat regularly and is somewhat easily accessible.
Level III
All suspensions are for incidences considered by administration eligible for safe schools act violations.
Students of color/students of poverty participate at the same level as students not in those categories.
All teachers are effectively and consistently implementing Tier I and Tier II behavior strategies to meet the needs of different types of learners.
Comprehensive data is collected and discussed regularly and is easily accessible.
Engage families as partners in meaningful ways.
A. Communication is meaningful and shared in a language and mode that is accessible to families.
B. Schools provide families with ways to engage in the school community and the education of their child. (diverse culture activities).
C. Parent leadership and participation in events reflects the diversity of the school community.
Level I
Less than half of communication is meaningful and shared in a language and mode that is accessible to families.
Schools provide families with few ways to engage in the school community and the education of their child.
Parent leadership and participation in events does not reflect the diversity of the school community.
Level II
Majority of communication is meaningful and shared in a language and mode that is accessible to families.
Schools provide families with some ways to engage in the school community and the education of their child.
Parent leadership and participation in events somewhat reflects the diversity of the school community.
Level III
All communication is meaningful and shared in a language and mode that is accessible to families.
Schools provide families with many ways to engage in the school community and the education of their child.
Parent leadership and participation in events closely reflects the diversity of the school community.
Build a diverse team that is more reflective
of our students.
A. Recruit teachers from a variety of market areas.
B. Retain diverse and high quality staff through leadership opportunities, incentives, and, intentional retention strategies.
C. Celebrate staff.
D. Data are being collected in a uniform and comprehensive way so that school and district leadership can understand who is applying, who is being granted interviews, who is being hired, and why.
Level I
Recuitment occurs in one market area that will enable us to build a diverse team that is more reflective of our students.
79% or less of offerred contracts are signed due to a variety of incentives and intentional retention strategies.
Semester celebrations of staff throughout the year.
Comprehensive data is not collected and discussed regularly and is not easily accessible.
Level II
Recuitment occurs in two to three market areas that will enable us to build a diverse team that is more reflective of our students.
80-89% of offered contracts are signed due to a variety of incentives and intentional retention strategies.
Quarterly celebrations of staff throughout the year.
Comprehensive data is collected and discussed somewhat regularly and is somewhat easily accessible.
Level III
Recruitment occurs in at least four market areas that will enable us to build a diverse team that is more reflective of our students.
90% of offered contracts are signed due to a variety of incentives and intentional retention strategies.
Monthly celebrations of staff throughout the year.
Comprehensive data is collected and discussed regularly and is easily accessible.
Nurture an open, collaborative, and trusting environment because the work is enormous, deeply personal, emotional and often difficult.
A. Create a trauma informed environment for staff, students, and families.
B. Students feel cared for by teachers and identify that they are treated fairly.
C. Staff consistently discuss biases and are provided regular professional development in understanding biases, culturally responsive teaching, and how to handle difficult conversations.
D. Administration provide an avenue for reporting, tracking, and discussing equity/bias situations that are observed by staff.
E. Administration coordinates opportunities for staff to engage outside of school in an effort to build trust, community, and understanding among staff members.
Level I
Less than 50% of staff are trained and implement trauma informed practices to inform daily interactions with colleagues, families and students.
Less than 50% of students agree that they feel cared for and treated fairly by their teachers based on survey results.
Staff participate in three or fewer discussions of biases and PD on these topics.
Staff participate in reporting, tracking, and discussing equity/bias situations observed by staff quarterly.
Administration coordinates one to two opportunities for staff to engage outside of school.
Level II
51-89% of staff are trained and implement trauma informed practices to inform daily interactions with colleagues, families and students.
51-80% of students agree that they feel cared for and treated fairly by their teachers based on survey results.
Staff participate in four to five discussions of biases and PD on these topics.
Staff participate in reporting, tracking, and discussing equity/bias situations observed by staff every other month.
Administration coordinates three to four opportunities for staff to engage outside of school.
Level III
Greater than 90% of staff are trained and implement trauma informed practices to inform daily interactions with colleagues, families and students.
80-100% of students agree that they feel cared for and treated fairly by their teachers based on survey results.
Staff participate in six or more discussions of biases and PD on these topics.
Staff participate in reporting, tracking, and discussing equity/bias situations observed by staff monthly.
Administration coordinates five or more opportunities for staff to engage outside of school.